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Spoken by the Zeta's:
"No words spoken will bring great change. Disclosure will not happen according to the desires of humans. It is enough that many humans realise the technology they see in the skies is not man made. That is disclosure for now. There will be a unsettling wave in many humans minds as they start to realise they are no longer superior. If you could see how you are viewed by races there would be an awakening. Think about your animals. The humans of planet are seen as a harvesters, unsettling for races to see this. When you have capacity to treat your planet with respect, and the beings on it then things will change. But you continue destroying the biosphere and the nourishment that is available to you. The planet will return to its full capacity once humans realise, they do not own this planet. This disclosure process is the first step. The mind of humanity is fragile." Paul will be discussing the Zeta perspective on disclosure during a live zoom event with Kathleen Marden - 12th June 9am (Brisbane). Please follow link below for more information, or see 'Events' on this website: After another visit today from a craft above the house.
We had instigated contact with the Zetas. The room became distorted and seemed to slip between two difference realities. Seated in the chair it seemed to be on a constant angle, and the physical sitters had water streaming from their eyes. The sitters had a massive emotional response and the room seemed to be very hot (it wasnt) and at one point beings were seen walking around the room. The Zeta stated that since the UAP disclosure the fabric of the astral had now increased frequency (which is seen as a positive thing). This meant that the veil between this reality and the astral would be more easily accessed and many may start to see more "difference" between their normal daily reality and forms from within the astral. It was aslo stated that at this point there is no need to fear negative repucussions from the disclosure unless "humans" chose to control the mass population to suit their own agenda. They stated they would never instigate a control over the mass population of this planet. We're aware that a lot of people are moving away from the more regular social platforms which we have used to tell people about forthcoming events - If that applies to you, and you would like to be notified of zoom sessions etc, then please email us at [email protected].
They often come and wake me up and others in the house...
Asleep, I hear the ticking of the clock and notice that it sounds like a heart beat…then feeling further into the ticking I sense its two tones one played after another. These two tones are dissimilar but are companion tones that support each other. I guess in doing so they keep a human asleep and that’s why they mimic a clock so the human isn’t made aware that technology is being used to sedate them. The fear builds in the solar plexus area but that’s just a way for the physical body to understand that something outside of its understanding is taking place. I am just below consciousness and open my eyes and speak to them in the room asking what they are doing. Suddenly a cat is seen walking in mid air at the end of the bed and then it scurries across the room (supposedly a meter of the floor)but heading towards the clock… another screen memory… Next I’m standing at the window watching it rain, and close the window to not let the rain in (the window was closed in the morning, but had been wide open all night so I know this actually took place.) In the morning I see it hasn’t rained at all… Obviously I need to get up as they wanted me to get up…generally I don’t bother getting up when they are here as I cant be bothered as this happens all the time. Excerpt from private sitting with the Zetas:
(Answers are from the Zetas) Question: Why is contact with alien races so difficult? Much of the contact, was designed to create relationship. Of course the construct of a person does not associate each individuated contact process that could be understood by the human mind. Question: When people are visited by races as it seems to affect them badly in many cases, can you discuss that? As you know that it is the construct that is provided stability. By why is there contact? Different process are applied to a physical form, there are methodologies to develop and create strength of mind. The only way to strengthen the mind is to weaken the mind, if the mind is not weakened it has no potential how to grow. Constructs are often associated with boundaries, these boundaries need to be changed, removed, elasticized. Question: do all hybrids get contacted? Yes, contacted by many races not just our race. Question: Are they allowed to remember their contact? What is the point of us coming with no preparation for your mind, if we came into this room, you would become unconscious, but with limited training you can accept contact and withstand some level of contact, and to even instigate contact to a limited capacity contact. All hybrids are visited, this is to confirm their consciousness and physical reality. This does not mean that the hybrid is in any way able to perform contact or withstand contact. Question: Is a person’s ability to remember contact up to the human or a race? The potential of the candidate may be able to be using strength of mind processes such as meditation. Strengthen the mind to withstand contact. All hybrids are trained the same way. They would also know via their strength of mind if the contact is with their own race. All races have a base frequency, strength of mind will allow the candidate to understand who they are contacting. The local mind of the human sits in a specific frequency, and does not want contact with us, it prefers is existence. Often that mind will attack itself and become self-limiting and no clarity. That is what we are faced with for contact. An immature mind. Often screen memory technology is used in contact so that the candidate is not damaged in many ways. When a person believes they are being continually contacted, through causation via observation this causes an event to take place, or to even believe the event has taken place. Once the event has taken place the mind there is no dissuading the mind that it is not happening over and over. Many of the experiences that indicate same and similarity with that event are within the mind , it re-creates the situation. Strength of mind allows a contactee to withstand the rigors of contact, the mind can be weak and also strong. So the question is what is the state of mind of the contactee. Question: Why don’t you override the contactees experience to make it more positive? You operate under freewill, if we come and remove your requirement for you to have strength of mind your construct would fail, never underestimate the power of the illusion you exist in. Question: When I am asleep but know I’m awake – so that consciously aware of the fact I am asleep – possibly an altered state I can see inside my room, I can see distances, but it is a limited view. As if I have no peripheral vision. Can you explain that?
My Answer: I would suggest we have three areas to cover here: The etheric eyes: The physical body has an etheric double and is able to allow us to see around us even with our eyes closed, we can also extend our etheric eyes and see into distances. The capacity to remote view: Remote viewing allows us to see physical locations at any distance from ourselves. The best part about remote viewing is that we can actually verify what seen at the other end using known information and human sources. Extended consciousness: Extending our consciousness means we can do astral travelling, and also see infinitely into multidimensional aspects of existence. In these undefined spaces our constructed minds create shape so we can try to understand what we are viewing. In the end every thing is consciousness. Excerpt from private sitting:
(John Sloan is a Spirit person - he talks through Paul with his own voice using an internalised ectoplasmic voice box) Question: If I asked you where you are in relation to me physically, are you closer to me or back with the medium? John Sloan It doesn’t matter, does it? When I’m moving around, I do not move in the same space as you in your physical life. Question: When we see lights what can that mean in a sitting? John Sloan The only thing that’s significant is when we come and speak, everything else is a byproduct. You don’t worry about the sparkle; you don’t worry about anything because the human mind will grab hold of it and then try and control the energy so spirits can’t come through. You cannot be involved in your own mediumship it just does not work that way. Question We have had a lot of conversations about what constitutes good evidence of spirit what is your opinion " a definitive statement" ? John Sloan Use common sense, what can you feel, what can you sense, what information is coming through? Question: all people can rely on when they are developing is how they feel it limits their experience if a spirit is not developed their medium enough to speak. John Sloan Most dangerous time for a medium is when no one is talking, and they just accept any personality. How do you know if something is not right? so a medium would know and feel like something isn’t right, they aren’t prepared to slow down, they rush... The other thing is mediums actually refuse to let spirits speak through them, they are too concerned about what people think. Excerpt from Chapter 1.
When my experiences began, I had no one to talk and no one to ask questions. When my first serious attempt at contact took place, it went horribly wrong as I thought I could access ET via astral realms (don’t try it as it does not work). This book is called the Zeta mind because without the collective consciousness of the race, and their support this book would not exist. I have sat for connection many thousands of times, over many years. At one point I meditated every day for 7 years to just find myself. I could never include all of the contact I have had with spirits and ET races, but I have tried to condense a lot of information into this book so that it becomes some sort of guide to contact. This is intentionally a smaller book; it is like a manual and is not intended to be a book of stories. The book seeks to define certain processes and procedures to aide you in contacting your race - your hybrid self. I discuss some aspects of my journey to gain connection with the Zeta Race but also these processes can be used to contact other races. Different encounters: In this age of ever-increasing contact with alien races and UFO sightings, it may be of some benefit to readers to have some background on how contact occurs, and how it is possible to gain ‘safe contact’ with races. Although it could be said that every being is of love and light in the universe and only humans have the capacity to behave as they do, that would be an un-truth. It becomes very important when you venture out into the cosmos to realise that this is a serious business which can’t be taken lightly. Often in my contact with other humans I have noticed they have caused themselves, and others, difficulty in contact situations simply because they did not use common sense. I thought it may be appropriate to discuss some of the different types of contact and how they can affect a human psychologically, and physically. No one knows for certain what is going on with alien contact, spirit contact and interdimensional contact; we all have our theories, and many have experiences ranging from sleep contact to physical encounters with beings. When any human reaches out for contact various things occur, and when contact does happen, in reality, the beings who contact us can be anyone, or say they are anyone. This one issue is the most difficult to resolve. Now I can hear people saying, “this can’t be true”, “my aunt jenny came and gave me information about herself and her life, only she knew that”. But the truth is that everything is consciousness; every experience and memory exists in consciousness and will never cease to exist. Imagine your life recorded on a tape and is available for anyone to listen to or read - this is exactly what others in spirit and alien worlds can do as well. Since spirits who have lived here on this planet and have now passed can come here via many different mediums/electronic mediums (ITC) as an example), they can also access all of the records of a human who has passed, and then come and pretend to be any one they want, if they want to. So, the question is: How do we know who is coming to us, how can we verify it? I was once told a biblical saying and it rings true in all contact circumstances. “by their fruit you shall know them”. Basically, any spirit or entity which comes in love will be benefitting you as a person, and naturally they will also leave when asked. If they do not follow this basic tenant, then you may not be hearing from who you expect it to be. Those people with experience can also struggle with what is happening to them. The ones who have no damage probably have never had real contact. For them, their contact is based upon a bizarre type of sleep/ astral contact that Humans have with some super consciousness. The reason I say this is, is damage can be many things, it also means damage may not be permanent. Real races have different frequencies, different protocols and consciousness. For example, when the Annorians came in a sitting, the medium (myself) temporarily didn’t understand who he was and lost all contact with humanity and the reality of humanity. Being associated with that specific race through a mind-to-mind connection was an ever-expansive level of contact to the point that all existed was a ‘plain of light’, as if looking to the expansive horizon. Being with an Annorian meant that in any direction all that could be seen was infinity. In this space, the local mind dissolves into a different reality. It doesn’t even know how to return to its original container of consciousness. Within three days the residual effects of contact caused the medium to see all physical structures, including the planet, as transparent - all physical structures were see-through and light blue. This temporary change or damage was a strong indication and validation of contact with a race. At the same time this was happening to me, another medium had also contacted the Annorians, and was in synchronous ‘temporary damage’ and was seeing the physical in the transparent mode as well. We were seeing exactly the same things as we had connected to the race at the same time, and as a synchronous event we became telepathically attached for that time and could hear what was physically going on around each other. This was a very unnerving encounter, as the psychological structures a human hold are very fragile. In another encounter with an aquatic race from Sirius B, one of the ‘sitters’ (a person who is present when I am in trance) had physical changes to their eye structure - both pupils turned to vertical square slits. This was just a temporary physical change which reversed after a few minutes. This took place because the energy in the room was such that changes started to occur to the etheric body of the human, this then translated to the physical cellular structure, but as the etheric body returned to its original state, so did the eye structure of the human. There have been many contacts with different races, and each has provided some form of change, maybe to say ‘temporary damage is incorrect’ but while the changes are in place the human body does not function in the way it has been designed to same way, it’s as though it belongs in two worlds. When encountering the Zeta beings, I was often burnt, like sunburn. There are 63 facets to the ‘Grey’ species, so this may not be a commonality to each race. This ‘sunburn’ was common down one side of the body, or facial area. Remember, this is a state of projection for the being, if it is a mind-to-mind contact, as the being is projecting themselves through the medium into the room, there is discussion, healing, and other physical manifestation of their presence. Often humans perceive this presence in many different ways, pressure in the head, tones, pulling from the solar plexus, freezing, similar to a spirit contact. If it is a physical contact with a Zeta being, then the changes can be incalculable and often there are permanent changes to the physiology of a human from auto immune dysfunctions to psychological disorders. Obviously, some of this is temporary but on other occasions it can be permanent. People often discuss disclosure without understanding the need to consider what a human race would look like after an encounter, or what a human race would have to endure to allow two races to exist together. It is not just humans who would need to change; no race can meet another and stay in isolation. With that in mind, and not wanting in any way to promote a fear-based agenda, this book will focus on contact with many races and provide techniques for grounding and clearing energies. It will also aim to provide guidance on how to create safe contact, and validate the process, so that you know exactly who you are in contact with. This book is only available as a pdf download available via Etsy - click on the below link for more: Excerpt from sitting with the Zetas:
(Answers are from the Zetas) Question: What are human female eggs being used for at this point? Not all eggs are used to create human containers. One egg, taken with full consent from a zeta hybrid human, is currently being used to create a craft. Normally the craft process is much larger, the biological matter required is grown over a skeletal process to hold form. The current process which is new, is to create smaller craft, much smaller. Some are a meter across. They have no occupants. The race is at the beginning of the process, these have not been created before. The normal craft are created by reconstituted genetic material of beings of our race. Many of these containers are reconstructed. The craft are created inside a large maturation process. So containers are recycled into craft. Not all craft are biological entities. So it would take around 1000 containers to create a craft that is 30 meters across. The craft has the ability to hold consciousness as its previously had possession of consciousness. It is in resonation, and it does not hold the previous consciousness. The craft hold a technical consciousness one that is derived from various methods so the craft understands it functions and is telepathic. |