The Soul - Symbiosis
What do you think the soul nature actually is? The nature of the soul in its own understanding, its own container, understands that by its own nature it belongs to a class of energies, this class of energies, remains as a whole form, one entity, broken into many forms, many existences, so, saying this, a being is able to incarnate into many states of being in many realms. The true question to be asked by humans would be. How is it that when the spirit realm is asked about their own existence they do not fully see the “whole” nature of the energy that they really are? The entity called spirit, knows only its practical self, in its energy form for a short while as it has returned to the spirit realms , once many years have passed it then returns to its true nature, its total, global, universal self. This is where the total energy being exists. Even the extraterrestrial races which inhabit the universe, work under the same construct of separation of energies from self, those energies whom are able to transmute from one form to the next are able to ultimately move back to their original state, once their journey is completed (some journeys take thousands of years). The life span of the human race is often a short one, this aides in the alignment of the energy nature, this is known as the spiritual self, all spirit beings once not known by humans in the physical, will move back to their original state. Many energies "form" the etheric boundaries that spirit beings exist in, these realms are populated by the physical beings who transition to those realms. As the consciousness of the collective human soul has increased exponentially so have the etheric realms used to house the energetic bodies of the transitioned physical being. Prior to the spark of consciousness of the developing entities on this planet, when no consciousness existed there was no need for a spirit realm, as all energy is and always is, energy was transmuted to consciousness in a form of a cellular construction, a life form on this planet, there was then seen to be a need for a housing of consciousness of the physical being when they had transitioned to the spiritual realm. If we said to you, where were you before the humans existed, your answer would be in the energetic realms, do you believe your soul is of an eternal nature? So, that must create a question of your prior existence, of energetic states, "prior to the life issuing forth on the planet". The spirit realms are like a holding ground, a place of state, where the energy and consciousness is held until no longer needed. A physical body can hold many energy bodies, usually only one energy body is required to be in one human form at that time of existence. This is not to say that a human form cannot exist with many different energies. As the mind has many memories, many energies can live simultaneously in one physical form, harmoniously. The only time a disharmonious relationship occurs is when the being is consciously pulling to themselves, energies of a disharmonious nature. There are many beings, living in many states, they require no transition process. It is not possible for a being to be a part of the collective consciousness of a human without an act of will to keep them as part of the collective nature. Ultimately the disharmonious process, will fail and the human entity will pass back to its original form before its time. Symbiosis is not a constant connection, it is a bringing together of the minds of individual beings for the creative purposes of experiential learning. If a being is living with many entities in a harmonious existence, then this collective, will be “one mind.” We will take this one step further, many soul facets can combine to form one entity, this means many entities, individual group souls, can combine to form a faceted being, living one existence.