Yesterday we dusted off the table, loaded the iPod with some funky tunes, and had a good old fashion 'table tipping' séance. We haven't done this for a while, but after a few songs, and with a lot of heart felt enthusiastic singing, the table responded in a variety of ways before it started to dance along with the music.
Initially we all felt a tapping vibration of the table, followed by what seemed like a circular scratching vibration. One of us felt light touches across the back on the hand and a light but very clear touch on the back. As well as slowly and carefully sliding across the floor, the table made fast circular movements whilst moving from one sitter to the next. Two of us heard a bell ringing in the séance room - whilst we do have a bell, it was located on the opposite of the room, high up on a shelf well out the way. We'll certainly be listening out for it again. Whilst this is always 'good fun', our Spirit friends have advised that 'table tipping' is a very good exercise to help strengthen the medium-Spirit connection. We look forward to the next session.
Question: Your race (the Zeta’s) takes eggs and sperm form Zeta hybrid Humans, with their consent - there appears to be other races doing the same thing.
Answer: Yes. Question: Why are other races mimicking that process? Answer: Which race are we discussing? Question: The Abductors (commonly referred to as ‘grays’ – one of the 63 races of the ‘gray species’). Answer: They are more intelligent than you know. Often, they do ask for permission but through guile, to beguile, to trick the human. Others do not ask for permission and just take. This is why the capacity to enter back to the collective (collective conscious of the ‘grey species’) is diminished. They (the Abductors) are unable to form a cohesive collective mind for their race. Question: The Abductors that do ask for permission are suggesting that the humans they are ‘visiting’ are hybrids of their race. Answer: They would need to take over to possess the fetus. But the ability of the spirit person in the womb has a greater ability to resist. The Spirit would not even see the Abductor consciousness. Question: So, the Spirit consciousness cannot be removed from the fetus? Answer: No, they do not have permission, but of course once you are an adult you can be taken (abducted). Question: What’s the purpose of the extractions of biological material by the Abductors? Answer: They wish to create containers for themselves, they wish to experience. They do as humans do - they test, recreate and modify genetic material to see what containers can be created. Just as your human race create containers to inhabit. But the process is different for each species. Humans provide procreation and then birthing. Other races produce their own containers. Depending on the race, depends on the container required. Question: So, the abductors are creating human containers? Answer: So, it is the latter, they are not, so unadvanced that they would create human containers to populate as they cannot bind to the frequency of the cellular matter of the container. They cannot experience what it is like to be human. That is why you must be in symbiosis through agreement and freewill, for our race to experience what it’s like to be human. To simply inhabit a container without a spirit person means we would not understand human emotions. Question: To clarify - The abductors are creating genetically modified human containers so they can have experiences in a container modified with Abductor cellular matter? Is that correct? Answer: Yes, that is correct. Question: Are you aware of their aspirations/long term plans? Answer: It is a technique to see difference - to grow and to see capacity. Humans are not the only race they do this with. The mistake is that they negate the capacity for themselves in consciousness to be in symbiotic relationship with Spirit as they have not done so in freewill. Even to the point that if an abductor gray inhabited a human form, there would be no capacity to enliven the human or to keep them alive. Question: Some humans have suggested the abductors have a long-term goal of replacing all humans with modified containers globally. Answer: That is amusing. You are saying that others (humans) have said the this race seeks to genetically and generationally go backwards? All of these statements, made by humans, are based around visitation that the mind is unable to perceive. They then create imagery and stories around contact by any race and the mind fills in the gaps. Question: Why would they mislead women to believe they have been chosen for a higher purpose. Answer: They are not successful generally when doing this. Question: Why do they show the mother their child, their biological off-spring? Answer: If they create the child, it does not have a spirit component as it was not born through the birth process - the human form is not (unable to be) enlivened in maturation technology. If the child is in gestation (within the human mother), then the child has a spirit component. And that is why the species show the parent the child. Question: So in what sense is the child a hybrid? Answer: They are not. They are trying to understand how to enliven the human form, and this is using the genetically modified container. To inhabit a human form one must understand how the human form operates. They study the child, they study the way the spirit person binds to the container so they can do this within the modified container themselves. They are never successful because each human is different - they may have the same biological structure but the frequency is different. This is why I have said we initially also had the same problem, but through the symbiosis, we would take core samples from our contactees to see if the consciousness would bind to the cellular level of the human container. They see it as a methodology for creating a pathway to experience for themselves. Question: Are they (the Abductors) trying to take over the human race? Answer: No. Question: The genetically modified humans (the Human-Abductor hybrids), are the grays able to bind to them? Answer No, technically you can enliven the body to action, but it cannot be animated as the consciousness (of the Abductor) cannot be entered into the host. Without spirit there is no capacity to enliven the container. Some of the most frequently asked questions put to us during online discussion groups and workshops revolve around evidencing our Zeta communicators, such as: can we take photos of them (for proof); can we arrange contacts for people (more proof), and how can we be sure we know they are who they say they are? These questions, and their answers, have been asked many hundreds of times and have been documented in the many books that are freely available to download (as pdf's) and read, but for quick reference, we'll answer some of them below. Q: Can we/have we take(n) photos of them to prove to others they are real? A: The Zeta's prefer not to be seen by humans. They have explained that it forms a connection to them which causes them mental unwellness. The Zeta's that come to our home have to undergo training to be able to be within this environment and withstand some degree of (accidental) 'connection' in this way. Despite this training, they will do their best to remain unseen. As we have been trained ourselves by the Zeta, we are able to see the beings around our house, to some degree, regularly - when they realise that we have seen them, they generally disappear from vision. So do we try and take a photo of them when we see them around us? The answer to this is no. We know that they struggle with being seen out of the sitting room environment, which is a highly controlled (by them) environment and are generally nervous around humans as they do not know how humans will react to them (they do not wish to be harmed). We want them to feel comfortable with us in our home, and so we wouldn't do anything to jeopardise them being here by chasing them around the house with a camera just because someone else 'wants proof'. Now, the sitting room is an entirely different matter and the Zeta's provide us with many opportunities for us and sitters to see them. In this situation we sit to purposefully connect with them in the way that we have been trained to do. The communicating Zeta will often show their face over the mediums face for the sitters to see, and occasionally, they will change the environment of the sitting room to allow full form Zeta beings to be seen - this is a highly controlled environment in which the Zeta can be seen safely (safely for them) - Many sitters report having seen the face of a zeta 'transfigured' over the medium after a public sitting. Occasionally, after a sitting, the Zeta beings remain in the house and allow themselves to be partially seen by ourselves and the sitters. It is extremely common for electrical equipment to fail/full batteries to completely drain, in the sitting room, however, on a few occasions, we have been permitted to take photos, some of which are below: Image taken during a sitting (conducted in red light) showing the Zeta's face partially transfigured over the medium. The blue in the photo is part of the connection process to the medium that the Zeta use). Partially transfigured Zeta face.. The only thing to left to say about our photographs is that we do not often post them. This is because although we know that they are 100% genuine, there will always be people who will say otherwise. We say to those people - make of it what you will - we're not here to convince you. We know that these are genuine photographs and hundreds of people that have sat with us over the years have seen the same.